Joe Tibbetts is the founder and CEO of CLGdotTV. He hosts Working Lunch and chairs AnswerTime the CLGdotTV panel show. Joe chairs conferences and advises public and private sector organisations on how to get heard.


PODCAST: Women, leadership and the public sector


Gisela Stuart, Professor Catherine Staite and Lauren Lucas talking about the position of women in public services

Given the scale and pain of the changes that the public sector is currently going through it is no surprise that we are obsessed with leadership, improving the leaders we already have and training up a new generation of leaders fit for purpose.
Here three women talk about women and leadership in the public sector. When I spoke to Gisela Stuart she was still an MP ( Labour Birmingham-Edgbaston) shortly before she stepped down. Stuart was born and raised in West Germany, has lived in the UK since 1974 and is now chair of Change Britain which was formerly known as Vote Leave.
Professor Catherine Staite is Professor of Public Management and Director of Public Service Reform at InLoGov the Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham. Professor Staite is a leading academic in her field but as a noted leader and a woman working in the public sector and a mother of five her opinions are all the more telling for being underpinned by personal experience.
When I spoke to Lauren Lucas at CLG Live 2017 (An Audience with CLGdotTV 2017) she was Head of Projects at the Local Government Information Unit. Lucas remains an associate of the LGiU but now she has branched out into freelance research and consultancy with a special interest in housing, adult social care and cultural policy
NB Spotify and iTunes do security moderation and may take 24 hours to make our podcasts available. 
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This content is brought to you free of charge through the generous support of An Audience With CLGdotTV  Social Care and Health - Blackfriars 23 October

Four times each year we invite around 60 people to join us for a day of making programmes. On 23 October An Audience with CLGdotTV No3 will focus on social care and health and topics covered will include:
integrated health and social care: the Leeds approach
interventions that may reduce hospital admissions
the care market: current state of play and reducing market fragility
outcomes based commissioning: what is it and how it might be made to work
the Government green paper on social care
technology & social care
Some seats in the studio audience are still available. If you would like an invitation please email Ben Webber 

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