Joe Tibbetts is the founder and CEO of CLGdotTV. He hosts Working Lunch and chairs AnswerTime the CLGdotTV panel show. Joe chairs conferences and advises public and private sector organisations on how to get heard.


PODCAST: Smart stab vests and geolocating for frontline blue-light services. Smart gets mobile.


© CLGdotTV 2018

Richard Rawcliffe - VP Public Sector for DELL - brings Joe Tibbetts up to light-speed on IoT and digital public service delivery.

Richard Rawcliffe deals with all public sector applications for DELL products and services in UK. His viewpoint therefor is necessarily the widest and most far reaching overview of where we are and where we are going in the digital delivery of local public services. We invited him to our Blackfriars studio to give us his take on some of the headline challenges and opportunities. 


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